Hay Friend!

It’s about that time again to delve into another topic. A topic I think is honestly important for this generation especially. Lets talk about spiritual maturity. I may do a series on this. So much to say, so little words to do it. Lets get into it!

Hebrews 6: Let’s Desire 

Dammy’s back at it again..! With Hebrews. Told ya’ll I love Hebrews. This time we will look into Hebrews 6:1-3:

6 So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds[a] and placing our faith in God. You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.

I’ve said it before and I’ll continue saying it. We MUST let go of the milk.  It’s the time for deeper understanding. What Paul is talking about are fundamentals. Fundamentals that a Christian should come to understand at the beginning of their journey with God. These ideals are not meant for you to “latch” on to, they are meant for you to understand and then delve deeper. Yes Deeper.


Desire to Go Deeper

Have you ever wondered when people say they heard from God, How? You ask, What did they hear? How did they know it was God? Or how is it that people have such a deep love for God that it makes you want to love him more too? I’ll let you on a little secret: They desire to know him and he fills them up.

As Christians, we have to come to a point to desire him more. Why give your life to “something” in which you honestly don’t even think about on the daily or barely. Why even say his name and claim to be a follower without having a desire to know him? It’s time to move past the basic teachings, of faith and knowing that Jesus Christ died for you and me (well talk on this topic later).

God is very interested in you; in everything you do and desires to spend time with you. But we as humans are “too busy” to get to know him. Some of us go days, and dare I say weeks without talking to God.. How Sway?? If we say God is our source, shouldn’t it be a daily thing to seek him? We need to get to a point in which we understand we are NOTHING without him. True humbleness. Take time out to speak to him, talk with him when we are going about our business. He is interested in you. The creator that created the job in which you worship, the friends in which you follow, is madly in love and interested in you, personally. Wouldn’t you want God to answer the questions you so desire to know about him? About yourself? About the people in the word he provided? It gets to a point in which your pastors and leaders can’t answer everything you want to know about God. Who do you turn to for answers then? DO we take a complacent mentality when it comes to knowing our creator?

We have to let go of the idea that if I just go to church, I’ve met my quota for the week. Nah. Are you even getting spiritually fed at the church or is it just comfortable (another discussion for another day). Are we not tired of only feeling God on Sunday? It needs to be a daily chase.  We should want to have an understanding of how God works. We can never know everything as humans, but lets understand something.

Can We Read Our Bible Please

Spend time in your word… You cannot and will not know the God you serve fully, if you do not read his word. Period. Let’s just let that fallacy go. Let it go baby, let it go. Reading it in church along with Pastor Jay is not enough. The word is imperative to your maturity. It’s one of the first ways God can personally communicate with you. It’s a protection on your life. It gives you a foundation, in which you and God can build from, together. Here’s another secret: The enemy loves Christians that do not read their word. He is able to use your own mind to destroy you, because you cannot speak word against his attack or remind yourself of the promises God has stated in the scripture. Therefore, you self-destruct.

Therefore, find a way to read. Have a discussion with God about helping you start. He will lead you. But you must put in the work to actually ask then seek. You will notice over time, it makes it easier to talk to people about him, to pour life back into others, as well as defend him when someone speaks falsely about him. I will have a full article on the bible and the importance of reading it soon. This was a teaser.

Love: Our Life Is Not Our Own 

Hebrews 1:11-12

11 Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. 12 Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.

Human nature causes us to be selfish. I can openly say I can be selfish. Especially with my time (my friends know).  But Paul reminds you and I that we must love one another. But what does this look like? It means knowing that what you desire in this life, your aspirations and goals that God put in your heart is not all about you. He put those things in your heart so you can be a light to others as well. This is a fundamental understanding of love. What you do, the choices you make have an effect on others. On others you may not even know. That’s why its so important to be obedient to God in what he ask of us, because we don’t know who is waiting on our obedience. Even if just one person, heaven celebrates at the repentance of just one sinner. It can’t be always I’m trying to get mine… mine mine mine. When you understand this part of love, it will influence you to be more obedient, so you wont grow dull and indifferent to what the lord is asking of you. You understand there are souls to be won, and you play a piece in that victory.  For example, husband and wife die daily to each other to help the other live out the purpose God asked them to do as one.

Sippin on Haterade or nah?

Also, we cannot say we don’t love or like people, but consider ourselves followers of Christ. People may get on your nerves yes, you may dislike certain people yes, but to absolutely rebuke people, is not a characteristic of Christ. So many people say I hate people. Why? You got haters? Keep doing you and relying on the lord to guide you to those who won’t dislike you, and are true and honest people. Are you a hater? (Be honest lol) Ask the lord to relieve you of that and to help him redirect your focus to be focused on you so you can be out there living in your purpose. What if God ask you to pray for the person you dislike or don’t feel deserves prayer? It’s hard, I feel you, I see you. But it builds character in Christ. You become more like him. That’s the goal right? Singing all that Tasha Cobbs like, (For your glory, I will do anything) eyes watering, that ugly jesus crying face made, voice going out…didn’t even realize you set yourself up.. haha!

prasie him 2

Desire Gifts of the Spirit 

Paul said: Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.

If you have not read about spiritual gifts that the holy spirit gives, please read 1 Corinthians 12 to start. This chapter does not give every gift available, but it gives you a start. When we lack something, whether it is patience, endurance, self-control etc., we should ask for them. No shame in that. It shows you are transparent with God. God I need xyz. You are not expected to already have them when you gave your life to Christ. They are things you develop over time, hence the journey. We should want to develop them. God is not always going to put gifts in us over night. A way to develop them is through trials and tribulations. That’s why Paul urges us to rejoice in these times. Romans 5:3-5:

 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

God is doing a work in us. Not every uncomfortable or bad thing that happens is the work of the enemy, alone. My fellow Nigerians let that idea GO!!! Its not always babalawo (father of mystics) or ÀJË (witch) that is coming for your life. Mostly, its God. Forming you into whom he wants you to be so that you can do the work he needs from you. If you ask for it, he will deliver, however her chooses. But there is actual work that has to be done.. gasp! Work.. on myself?? Yes! Work on yourself so you can be more like Christ. We have to be able to get to a point we identify this is God’s doing and work with the process. You should want to get to a point you know when God is moving (in what may seem bad as well) and identify his craftsmanship.


I hope this post was enlightening. I hope we as a body starts asking ourselves individually questions about where we are in our journey and continue to strive to know the workings of our God. Till next time!

Bye Friend!