Hay you!

On this episode of the Plannter. I’m aiming to talk about transparency. In this case, the transparency I’m referring to, is with God.

What is transparency?

We can think of transparency as a way of being open. Or, being see through. Our motives and intentions are clear and the other party is aware of what we are trying to achieve, gain or do. Now, when it comes to God, he is all about being transparent. A key example of this is, the bible. We can all agree the bible lays out exactly what God expects from us as his children, what those who do his WILL, will receive (blessings) and etc. God doesn’t hide behind games, nor does he sugar coat. His words are valid, everlasting and can never be changed.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.

So, I think we can say, God is pretty open with us in all things.

We Carry Our Own Burdens

So, after reading all of the everlasting words in which God has provided for us, we still seem not to hold our end of the bargain. How Sway? Well, we say that  Jesus is our lord who reigns over all, yet, some of us don’t even present the burdens of our lives on to him in prayer. All in the name of God wont give us more than we can bear. If you feel you cannot go to God for help, the enemy has lied to you and is trying to rob you of your peace, for the word says in  Matthew 11:28-30:

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

So, is it that you think God cannot handle what you are going through? Possibly, have you made yourself your own God because you think you can do all things by yourself, by you who strengthens you? Its a real question to think about. God should be your main source of help and he is waiting for you to call on him, but if you just pray same old same old prayers, how can you see him manifest in your life and come to your rescue?

Not Open With Our Sin

When I say not open, I’m not even fully referring with other people (that will be another topic) I’m referring with God. You know that feeling where you really screwed up. So bad you think, man, God isn’t even going to forgive this? So, you just try to hide it from him. Ive been there, but  I’ve got some news for you. God wants it all! All of it. Your good, bad and ugly. Why? He wants to renew you from your sin, give you water that you will never go thirsty from, so you can be an amazing attribute to his kingdom.

You know you messed up, but you can still tell him about it and be open about your mistake. This is a relationship builder with God because when he sees you trusting him with your dirt, he can more easily communicate with you to help you fix yourself and get back on the right track. Honestly, he is going to judge us all one day, so why not just come clean? He saw you lol, Like, he was there. So, just like in any relationship, be open and honest.

Paul made it a point of duty to remind us many times the type of man he used to be. I’m positive he had many conversations with God, telling him all he did and continued to do, but look at the man God made him? Don’t you think God can do the same for you?

If We Do This, We Can Get That

This may be the most important point of all. Some of us believe that if you just give more money to church, God in return will bless you with more money. Or, if I just help this person, God will bless me. Some may even believe that if I just pray a couple times and go to church (but not actively participate) then I’m on God’s good side. These are a few examples but frankly, there should be no motives for your “good” actions. Why?  Isaiah 64:6 says:

“All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” 

No matter the good deeds you do, they never meet the mark. Isaiah was so disrespectful (just a joke), that he is telling us even the best we can do, is filthy! Like, wow (thank God for Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice). The kindness or the things you do that would be pleasing to the lord should not be based on a reward system. You should do them because you love the Lord. Mark 12:30 says

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” 

Thats it. No other motive. If the spirit moves you to give, then give. If it instructs you to help, then help. If you feel your spirit in need of prayer, do it. Its all asked of you so you grow into the God fearing man or woman you were meant to be. Therefore, the only motive of doing things that seem good, is because you love the Lord and you want to please him in all ways.

My posts are here to allow yourself to ask questions about your relationship with God, and then find ways to make it even better. These are all things I’ve had to learn, thank God for the Holy Spirit, who teaches us all the error of our ways and then who to corrects them. Would love to know how you feel about this post. Until next time.

Bye Friends!