Where has the Plannter been?? It’s been almost 5 months since I release the least podcast but I wanted to tell you all what I’ve been up to. During the process of preparing and taking my MCAT (Medical School Admission Test) there has been a lot of twist and turns causing me to lack ambition, confidence and peace. However, God really challenged me in 3 specific areas that would eventually keep me sustained through this journey:

1. God is the author and finisher of your life. Rely on him, not man.

2. Faith that got you to the point you are now, is not the same faith you will need to get you through this next season. (Increase your faith)

3. Need to know where God is? Look for the peace.

This is a word of encouragement for everyone, not just those taking the exam. It has been laid heavily on my heart to share my journey, good bad and ugly in hopes it will help someone! This podcast will challenge you took look in these areas, teach you how to up your faith and guide you to establish peace in your life.

Apostle DoQuoi Green: www.youtube.com/user/dtgreenministries

Think & Grow Chick: thinkandgrowchick.com/no-more-grinding/

It Ain’t Over by Maurette Brown Clark: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnHDDgdJ7Y8

Leave A Review: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-plannter-podcast-faith-growth-lifestyle/id1137415479?mt=2




[ctt template=”8″ link=”vcl81″ via=”no” ]This podcast was so helpful for my current season![/ctt]