Hello Friend!

As you may or may not know, I travelled to Israel! Yes, I was there for 10 days. Got to see a lot of stuff, saw a lot of people… You get it, it was great and I’ll explain later. But I feel there are more important things to talk about. The world is becoming pretty grim. We see what’s on the news, social media etc. I happened to be in the holocaust museum there, and wow. The way my emotions were just running. This blog is going to be a bit different. I’m going to share with you what I took away from there and tie it in to what’s happening now.

First thing I see is the children’s monument, dedicated to over 1 million children who died. Names and ages are being read out loud and faces appear once the name is read. Some children are literally no older than 5 years. This sets the tone for everything else.

Seeds of Hate 

I had the pleasure of sitting and listening to Hannah Pick, the childhood best friend of Anne Frank. She too was sent into camp but was able to survive along with her sister. The only two to survive, from her whole family. I cannot go into all details of her story, I would write a book. But one thing I took from her and the museum was this. Seeds of hate implanted in the heart cause people to do crazy things and allow crazy things to happen to others. Her and other survivors made it clear that their oppression was not something that JUST happened. It was done gradually. The Nazi’s used media, artwork, books, movies anything they could find to poison the German mind. It progressed from just a seed, and manifested into a whole generation allowing a group of people to be MURDERED.

One survivor mentioned that her father was with his good friends one day as normal, and then the next, the same friends were assaulting him physically in the streets. She said, she could not repeat what they did to him publicly. Neighbors turning in neighbors to the Nazi’s. Some for pay, most for free. People allowing others to die in ghettos of disease, violence and hunger.

I think the most horrific thing I saw was a video of 2 boys sitting against a wall. One was looking at the camera the other just sitting. One boy kept tapping the other in the face. Naively I assumed he did that for his friend to acknowledge the camera. I thought he was smiling but I looked closer and I saw the panic. I saw the fear.. My God. His friend probably not even up to 6 years old, was dead. He was trying to awake him but couldn’t. His friend literally died right there next to him. Someone just kept filming didn’t even try to help.  My heart sank and I walked away from it immediately, before the tears could fall. MURDER

People forced to do labor in the middle of the streets as people laugh and harass them.  Jews lynched in the town’s center. People were forced to go on Death Marches, especially in the winter. A survivor noted that if someone stopped to rest, they would be shot in the back, on site, no warning. Or pushed in the snow. Since the officials knew they were so tired, they knew they would not be able to get up, so they would just freeze to death.  MURDER. A survivor asked, what’s the destination? An officer said something along the lines of, nowhere. We walk until you all drop dead. Get back in line!


I tell you again, especially to my Christian people, seeds of hate can cause you to do crazy things. I bet you none of those officers if asked prior, would say they would be capable of doing such sadistic behavior. But I tell you, when hate grows in the soul, you don’t know what you are capable of doing. We all do not know. That’s probably one reason Isaiah  says no one is good, not even one.

Message to Faith Leaders

If you teach your people, to hate another, you have missed the mark of what God represents entirely! Hate the sin, not the person. You are not a real Christian because you are not promoting the true message of Christ. Families, government, do not teach your children to hate blacks, homosexuals, Hispanics and Muslims. (I name these because they are relevant to this time)

Christians, stop teaching your congregation and children to hate Muslims. We do it and you know it. Stop it.  (Especially those who were Muslim previously!!!!!!). You are not teaching people to fear God, but teaching people to fear others. It’s done by the snide remarks, the blame game, the micro aggressions, subtle remarks of hate. People are watching. Leaders of faith, you are igniting something wicked within your congregation. Don’t waste your eternity on bad sermons. Be proper shepherds of the lord’s flock. You have NO RIGHT to judge. Correction with patience is ok, but judgment (condemnation), you do not have a say. Stop representing God in such a manner. You are not Him.

History has shown us time and time again that seeds of hate have produced atrocious disasters. What religion do you think Hitler was? HE WAS CHRISTIAN!!! Human beings are capable of doing anything. If given the right amount of hate, you too could fall into such traps. We need to watch our language, jokes, mannerisms toward groups that don’t fall in the majority (privileged). It’s such a fine line. You have no idea how easy it really is to fall into the hands of the enemy when seeds are planted. Our children our watching, your friends are watching. LET IT GO. I’m urging you to not hold on to the misconceptions you have of another group.


I’m appalled by Christians who support hate from the presidential candidate, Trump. I suggest you go back and read your word. If your financial gain is more important than how humanity operates. I pity you. The man has shown hatred toward every non-white group, and it seems America is ok with that… But we are founded on Christian values?? How sway? How….  How as a nation are we ok with this? Do not repeat the mistakes of those before you. This is how it starts, this is how damage, murders, genocides begin. In America, we lack the importance of teaching history. Power is what we aim for. Dominance we strive for. History is important. We need it to not repeat these mistakes… Again.

Black Lives Matter.. Yes I Said It

We are in a time where we are repeating oppression openly. I fear for my family. Especially, my cousin. I fear for my friends. No one is “safe”, within the black community. I don’t care if you are African or Caribbean, it’s not just an African American problem, it’s your problem as well, let’s get this clear. You are no better than your brother. You should stand in solidarity with your brother. This country has been built on the backs of those stolen from other lands. Forced to assume new identities, killed literally just for being black. Seen as inferior mentally. Branded as people of terror. My heart aches for those who have lost loved ones to senseless murder.

My heart is heavy when I think children have now lost innocence and are seen as threats. It hurts. But what hurts more, it’s starting again. America has not learned. The same America that used black children for crocodile bait is now (as before) killing the black fathers whom the nation claims does not exist. The system is not changing yet. We are getting deeper into a terrain that we have no business entering… Hate goes far.

My heart goes out to the police officers who lost their lives in Dallas as well. That was not necessary. Senseless killing is not going to solve the problem. I know people are angry, but more sin is not the answer.  My friend said this is spiritual fight. She is probably right. Division is not the key, the enemy is at work.

Will The Real Christians Stand Up

If you see it say something. Address it. If you are in a leadership position, say something, address it. Silence gives consent… PERIOD.  Hannah said that the Denmark queen said nothing when the holocaust was going on. The pope said nothing as well. Maybe if they had spoken up about the injustice, that could have reduced the flame, saved so many lives. You’re silence and ignorance will not stop the issue.

One thing to always remember, you are the beacon of light, you are he city upon a hill. You are the saltiness of the earth. Get in position. It’s important and it’s needed. You are Gods example of this earth. The minute you say you are a Christian, eyes are on you. The world is fascinated about what you will do, because you represent Christ. People are looking to see if God is real, if he is true and you may be that only example of that in their life. That’s why, love is so important. If you don’t know how to love like Christ, ask him and he will show you. You need to love. Love trumps all fear. Dispels hate. I pray God helps us in these times, we as body need to be equipped more than ever. Pray yall, if you don’t pray usually, now is your moment. Now it’s the time for heaven to hear your cry.

James 5:16

Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].



Bye Friend.