Look here, there is no time for games… lol

This podcast may be one of my favorites. The fact that I said must listen is because this one is really going to shed light on what has been truly holding you back. If you KNOW there is more to life than this, then, listen in.

You would be surprised by the number of lies you believe about yourself, your surroundings, and God. These lies literally fuel the way we act, think, and operate if not discovered. I would know because God has been revealing to me that I have literally built FOUNDATIONS of my life on lies. I tell on myself this whole podcast.

Freedom in Christ is not only paying your bills on time, and getting into heaven. Freedom in Christ also looks like living life to your fullest potential. This is possible because you know THE TRUTH. However, on the flip side, many believers have access to the truth but live in bondage.

We have all been through pain, trauma and hurts that have written the script of our lives. If care is not taken and you are not aware, you can live life based on your pain, but not true freedom… the line becomes blurred and what you feel is freedom is truly bondage.


Don’t you feel there is more? If the bible says God is so great, don’t you want to experience that, and know it to be true TO YOU? Don’t you want to live your life with true passion and excellence? Well… the choice is yours.

Let this podcast at least peak your interest to learn about false ideas you may currently have, and learn what you can do to fully walk in freedom. Know that there will always be more to learn about you and things to work through in this life. We are being perfected on this side of heaven but will never reach perfection.

As God awakens me to who I am, I am burdened to help others see who they really are and LIVE. Too many of us dying in bondage. But… I thought Christ came to set the captives free?

Comment below what lies you’ve discovered and how you are now living in truth?

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Podcast: Take the Pressure Off

Please Excuse the Mess

Deliverance Ministry- Single on Purpose

Not mentioned, but great ministry for men

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Psalms 16:7-8

Psalms 16:5-6

Isaiah 30:21

John 10:27-28

Psalm 37:4-6

Psalm 20:4