In this episode, I’m discussing why it’s ok to change your mind and assume your new identity. You are no longer who you used to be and guess what…. it’s ok to change your mind. 

Back in 2018, I officially decided I no longer wanted to pursue a doctoral career. This was difficult because I had prepped to be a physician most of my education… however, I had to face the hard facts that I had been avoiding for years… it’s not fully what I am called to do. Listen to my last podcast where I explain why.

The journey since then has been learning to take up the new calling (new to me but not to God) and confidently stand in it… even when it has not made sense.

It’s easy to run back to the former or assume the what was may come back. Not because it’s what I want but because of fear. Maybe I missed something… or maybe I should just accept the old me…. or maybe I’m not seeing this correctly so I’m the problem.  

As I was praying about what to speak about this week, the word pivot came to mind. I get the sense that you may be scared to pivot (or change direction) from what you’ve always done and take on a new thing. Scarred to try something new because what has always been, is what you know. But I have a feeling, you know it’s time for a change. You are no longer satisfied with what was. You want to break free ad truly become who God has called you to be. 

So let’s talk about it. Let the old things pass away, and make room for the new. I discuss how you don’t have to hold yourself hostage to who you used to be, and what you used to do. You can walk freely in who you’re called to be… TODAY. 

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Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship